Laboratory of biomarkers
In 2016, DRD LLC opened a research laboratory in Moscow Technopark. This laboratory has become the center of our scientific work and the source of new developments and ideas. We equipped it with all the standards of laboratory practice. A complete list of equipment is available here. The laboratory also has a quality management certificate ISO 13485.
The priority areas of research in the laboratory are:
- development of laboratory diagnostic methods for cerebral infarction, risks of acute cerebral ischemia
- study of biomarkers of mild traumatic brain injury (household, sports)
- creation and validation of highly sensitive test systems with lateral flow technology
The laboratory provides research services, as well as biorepository services for third-party organizations.

The director of the laboratory is Ph.D. Khunteev German Anatolyevich, a professional in the field of development of new diagnostic tests. German Anatolyevich has been working in the field of studying biomarkers of brain damage for more than 20 years and is a certified director of the laboratory for the CLIA system (USA).
Scientific publications:
1. Khunteev G.A., Zavolokov I.G., Cherkas Yu.V., Dambinova S.A. "The practical importance of determining the level of autoantibodies to the NMDA type of glutamate receptors in the diagnosis of chronic cerebrovascular disorders." Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. S.S. Korsakova. 2001; 11: 44-47.
2. Dambinova S.A., Khounteev G.A., Skoromets A.A. "Multiple panel of biomarkers for TIA / stroke evaluation." Stroke. 2002; 33 (5): 1181-1182.
3. Dambinova S.A., Khounteev G.A., Izykenova G.A., Zavolokov I.G., Ilyukhina A.Y., Skoromets A.A. "Blood test detecting autoantibodies to N-methyl-D-aspartate neuroreceptors for evaluation of patients with transient ischemic attack and stroke." Clin Chem. 2003; 49: 1752-62
4. Weissman J.D., Khunteev G.A., Heath R, Dambinova S.A. "NR2 Antibodies: Risk Assessment of Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) / Stroke in Patients with History of Isolated and Multiple Cerebrovascular Events." J Neurol Sci. 2011; 300 (1-2): 97-102.
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